2015 SASTRA Ramanujan Prize awarded to Jacob Tsimerman

The 2015 SASTRA Ramanujan Prize has been awarded to Jacob Tsimerman of the University of Toronto, Candan. The official prize announcement can be found here. The prize is awarded every year since 2005 to a young mathematician under the age of 32 in areas which are influenced by the work of Ramanujan. Previous winners include Terence Tao, Manjul Bhargava, James Maynard, etc.
Tsimerman has made deep and highly original contributions to diverse parts of number theory, and most notably to the famous Andre-Oort Conjecture. More information about his research can be found here.
Jacob Tsimerman was born in Kazan, Russia on April 26, 1988. In 1990 his family first moved to Israel and then in 1996 to Canada, where he participated in various mathematical competitions from the age of 9. In 2003 and 2004 he represented Canada in the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) and won gold medals both years, with a perfect score in 2004. During 2004-06, in just two years, he finished his Bachelors degree courses in Toronto. During 2006-11, he was a doctoral student at Princeton under the
supervision of Professor Peter Sarnak; there he was supported by an American Mathematical Society (AMS) Centennial Fellowship. Following his PhD, he had a post-doctoral position at Harvard University as a Junior Fellow of the Harvard Society of Fellows. In July 2014 he was awarded a Sloan Fellowship and he started his term as Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto. The SASTRA Ramanujan Prize is the first major international international prize awarded to him.
The 2015 SASTRA Ramanujan Prize Committee consisted of Professors Krishnaswami Alladi – Chair (University of Florida), Henri Darmon (McGill University) Winnie Li (The Pennsylvania State University), Hugh Montgomery (University of Michigan), Peter Paule (Johannes Kepler University Linz), Michael Rapoport (University of Bonn), and Cameron Stewart (University of Waterloo).