Science and the Society

What is Science?
Science can be understood as a process of learning and discovering new things about the world. Science is derived from an ancient Latin word ‘Scientia’ which means knowledge. Science is the study of environment and the nature and gain knowledge and information based on tests, experiments, and the observations. The field of science is the reason for the discovery and invention of various natural resources as well as manmade resources which makes life easier for the human beings. The field of science is one of the biggest and highly regarded fields of study and thus there are various colleges and universities offering science courses in the fields of science. The colleges and universities offer science courses and majors in both the traditional education system as well as the online education system, as the demand for the online education is rapidly increasing. The number of colleges offering online degrees is also in abundance. To figure out the best online degree, one can search for the online science degrees in order to get a better understanding of the various degrees offered in the field of science and select the degree that is suitable to them.
Why study science?
There are plenty of reasons to study science, as science is the field that is responsible for discovering new possibilities within the world. There are various reasons to study science and few of which are mentioned below:
- Science is basically the foundation to the human society.
- Science is the reason why we have the answers to the questions that are hard to explain.
- Science is the reason for various innovation and discoveries making it possible for the inhabitants of the world to live a much easier life.
- Everything we do is directly or indirectly related to science, science is the reason for all the inventions and innovations, whether it is in the field of engineering or medical science. It can be applied anywhere to make life easier.
- Science is the field that can discover the depths and mysteries of the world.
- The field of science has a very high career prospect as it is one of the biggest fields of study and is spread across various field of study.
- There are various fields of study under science that may be of interest to different types of students.
- A lot of job opportunities are available for a student taking science or a branch of science as a field of study.
There are many more reasons as to why we should study science.
Various fields of science
Science can be implemented in anything we do and thus applications of science is included in almost every field of study and everything we do, various field or branches of science are mentioned below:
- Formal Science
- Natural science
- Social science
The above mentioned field of science are further divided into various sub branches such as:
Natural Science
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Zoology
- Geology
- Botany
Formal Science
- Mathematics
- Statistics
- Theoretical computer science
- Logics
Social Science
Social science is the study of human behavior and the human society, which may include the study of the following:
- History
- Geography
- Economics
- Political science
There are many more fields of study under science for the students to choose from.
Career and job prospects for a science student
The field of science is a very vast and highly regarded field of study and the students looking to get into the field of study must have good education or a degree in any of the various field of science. Thus there are various institutions proving science degrees both normal as well as online degrees, due to the growth of online education. There are various students willing to pursue education online and such students search for online colleges providing degrees in particular places, such as online colleges in Georgia. This can help the students in getting a better understanding of the colleges providing online degrees in that particular area and thus a student gets the opportunity to compare and choose the best college and degree as per their requirement. Having a science degree can provide a great platform for a lot of job and career opportunities, such as:
- Biochemist
- Scientist
- Environmental scientist
- Geoscientist
There are lots of other jobs and field of work a student of science may be interested in working or shaping their career as per their strength and weakness.
The field of science is a field with a never ending possibility to grow and thus the students willing to pursue higher education in the field of science can expect a lot of job and career options.