Evariste Galois গণিত আৰু মানৱতাৰ এক তেঁজাল ঘোঁৰা এভাৰিষ্ট্ গেল্-ওৱা পোনপ্ৰথমবাৰৰ বাবে বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ৰ গণিত বিভাগত হৈ যোৱা ৰাষ্ট্ৰীয় সন্মিলনখনিক লৈ বিভাগৰ আটাইখিনি মানুহেই অতি ব্যস্ত হৈ আছিলোঁ, যদিওবা শ্
Difference Equations Applications of Lie Groups to Difference Equations Vladimir Dorodnitzy Chapman & Hall/ CRC, 2010, 344 pp. The invariance of differential equations under transformation groups, usually Lie groups, naturally comes from the models they formalise, and there is a lot of literature dedicated to applications of Lie groups in differential equations. The difference schemes for solving differential equations, on
2010 The Best Writing on Mathematics 2010 Mircea Pitici (editor) Princeton University Press, 2011. Mircea Pitici is a mathematics education specialist at Cornel l University. He also teaches writing courses and has edited this anthology as a way of presenting nontechnical expositions of mathematical topics to a general audience. The articles are organized somewhat arbitrarily into six
Euclid জ্যামিতিক ধাৰণা আৰু স্বীকাৰ্যৰ প্ৰসংগত আৰম্ভণিতে আমি গণিতৰ গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ তথা সন্মানীয় স্থানখন বিখ্যাত দাৰ্শনিক (Philosopher) প্লেট’ৰ ধাৰণাৰে কেনে ধৰণে ব্যাখ্যাত হৈছে, মন কৰোহঁক|
Google Mathematics in the 'real' world The following article appeared in the 18th July, 2013 issue of the Horizon supplement of The Assam Tribune under the heading ‘Mind over Maths’. This article is written by the Editor of the English section of Gonit Sora. We give below the original version that was written. One of the
gonitsora “গণিত চ’ৰাৰ সন্দৰ্ভত” - প্ৰফেচৰ খনীন চন্দ্ৰ চৌধুৰী কেইজনমান উৎসাহী আৰু দূৰদৰ্শী গণিতৰ ছাত্ৰৰ ঐকান্তিক চেষ্টাত বৈদ্যুতিন মাধ্যমত উপলব্ধ হোৱাকৈ গণিতক অধিক সংখ্যকৰ ওচৰলৈ নিয়াৰ এক প্ৰচেষ্
AKS Algorithm Mathematical Quest 3: Prime Numbers The editor of the English section of Gonit Sora, writes a monthly column devoted to mathematics in a teen magazine called Young NE. The editor of Young NE was kind enough to grant us permission to republish the column after it appears on print. Below is the column that appeared
Math Quest Mathematical Quest 2: Finding out square roots The editor of the English section of Gonit Sora, writes a monthly column devoted to mathematics in a teen magazine called Young NE. The editor of Young NE was kind enough to grant us permission to republish the column after it appears on print. Below is the column that appeared
kurt godel গাণিতিক সোৱাদৰ আঁৰত “হে মোৰ সকলো শত্ৰু তোক নমস্কাৰ তোক বন্ধু ৰুপেহে চাওঁ তোৰে স’তে মোৰ সংঘাত লাগি মোৰ জীৱনতে ধুনীয়া প্ৰকাশ পাওঁ।” (জ্যোতিপ্ৰসাদ) মা
William Rowan Hamilton অনন্য এক জীৱন - উইলিয়াম ৰোৱান হেমিল্টন গণিতৰ জগতখন হৈছে যুক্তি আৰু শৃংখলাৰ। সেয়ে গণিতজ্ঞসকলে স্বাভাৱিকতেই নিজৰ ব্যক্তিগত জীৱনতো এই শৃংখলা বিচাৰিবলৈকে অহোপুৰুষাৰ্থ কৰে। সাধাৰণতে তে
Math Quest Mathematical Quest 1: Multiplication Tricks The editor of the English section of Gonit Sora, writes a monthly column devoted to mathematics in a teen magazine called Young NE. The editor of Young NE was kind enough to grant us permission to republish the column after it appears on print. Below is the column that appeared
Isaac Newton আইজাক নিউটন আজিৰ পৰা চাৰে তিনিশ বছৰৰো আগত এইখন পৃথিৱীৰে এখন গাঁওত এটা শিশুৰ জন্ম হৈছিল— এটা অপূৰঠ শিশু। সকলোৱে অলপ পিছতেই মৃত্যুৰ মুখত পৰিব বুলিয়ে ভা
Andrew Wiles এটা জন্মদিনৰ এক অভিনৱ উপহাৰ ই আছিল পাৰ হৈ যোৱা শতিকাটোৰ আটাইতকৈ গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ বক্তৃতা। দুশ গণিতজ্ঞ ভৰি আছিল বক্তৃতা গৃহত। ইয়াৰে মাথোন এক চতুৰ্থাংশই বুজি পাইছি
Andrew Wiles Fermat’s Last Theorem Google Doodle depicting Fermat’s Last Theorem We can find infinitely many solutions that can solve the equations and in integers, but what about the equation or more generally , where n is an integer greater than 2 and x,y, z are non-zero integers? Well no one has ever found
hindu calender Reinventing the Indian (Hindu) Calendar Summary: Following the Indian (Hindu) calendar, we Indians are celebrating the seasonal festivals on wrong dates. It is because in the Indian calendars, the seasons are out of phase with the real tropical phenomenon of the earth. This article analyses how and why we are doing that and what to
Leibnizian Calculus The Tangled Origins of the Leibnizian Calculus Richard C Brown World Scientific, 2012, xxi+310 pp. As the title of the book suggests, this book attempts to unravel the threads that lead to the creation of the revolutionary symbolism of differential and integral calculus by the polymath Gottfried Wilheim Leibniz (1646–1716). We are all aware that
Linear Equations The Number of Solutions of a System of Linear Equations The standard form of a linear equation in $$n$$ unknowns $$x_1,x_2,\dots ,x_n$$ is $$a_1x_1+a_2x_2+\dots +a_nx_n=b,$$ where $$a_1,a_2,\dots ,a_n$$ and $$b$$ are constants. Here constants mean some real numbers (these constants may
Mathematics How to Fold It: The Mathematics of Linkages, Origami and Polyhedra Joseph O’Rourke Cambridge University Press, 2011, xii+177 pp. This book presents in three parts some geometric and physical aspects that have, for a long time, fascinated many people attracted by elegant structures provided by linkages, paper folding and polyhedral models. Linkages used to be mainly associated with mechanical
Logic Seduced by Logic : Emilie du Chatelet, Mary Somerville and the Newtonian Revolution Robyn Arianrhod University of Queensland Press, 2011, 352 pp. There can be no doubt in the 21st century about the power of mathematical physics to transform our material existence. The atomic bomb, television and mobile phone are among its many offspring. Robyn Arianrhod’s Seduced by Logic opens in 1706,
Irrationality If p is a prime then √p is irrational To prove √p is irrational, where p is a prime, we will need the following theorem: Theorem: If $$p$$ is prime then $$p|ab,$$ then $$p|a$$ or $$p|b.$$ Proof: If $$p|a,$$ we are done. So let us assume that $$pmid a.$$ Therefore, $$gcd(p,a)=1.$$ Hence,
Interviews An Interview with Prof. Swadhin Pattanayak Prof. Swadhin Pattanayak is the founder director of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) at Bhubaneshwar. Apart from being a very good mathematician, he is also an inspiring teacher. At present he is a professor of mathematics at IMA. Prof. Pattanayak was on a short visit to Tezpur
algebra Fundamental Theorem of Algebra Prof. S. C. Arora, formerly from the University of Delhi gave a talk recently at Tezpur University on the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. We are thankful to Prof. Arora for allowing us to share the ppt with our readers. Please click here to download the file.
2013 Deligne wins Abel Prize 2013 This year’s Abel Prize has been awarded to the Belgian mathematician Pierre Deligne for “seminal contributions to algebraic geometry and for their transformative impact on number theory, representation theory, and related fields”. The Abel Prize was established in 2003 in memory of the Norwegian mathematician Niels Henrik Abel. It’
Pi Pi Day Pi Day is an annual celebration commemorating the mathematical constant π (pi). Pi Day is observed on March 14 (or 3/14 in month/day date format), since 3, 1 and 4 are the three most significant digits of π in the decimal form. In 2009, the United States House
Roads to Infinity Roads to Infinity John Stillwell A K Peters Ltd, 2010 In 1963, Edwin E. Moise published Elementary Geometry from an Advanced Standpoint and his book became a classic. Roads to Infinity could well be entitled Advanced Logic from an Elementary Standpoint and deserves the same outcome. Its subtitle is actually The Mathematics of